Friday, December 4, 2009

UW-Madison Population Health Dissertation Grants


UW-Madison Population Health
Dissertation Grants

Sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars Program

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health & Society Scholars Program at UW-Madison is sponsoring a campus-wide competition for Population Health Dissertation Grants for the academic year 2009-2010. Eligible students must be enrolled in any UW-Madison Ph.D. program and be working on a topic in the study of health and society. One of our primary goals is to expand population health research across campus. Our aim is to encourage dissertations that include components of population health broadly defined, such as addressing the multiple determinants of health (e.g., biological, medical, behavioral, social, economic and environmental) and their important interactions over the life course; examining the measurement, distribution, or experiences of health; or evaluating interventions (at individual, community, or policy levels) for their impact on population health outcomes. For a good example of population health discourse, see: Kindig, Milbank Quarterly 85(1) 139-161, 2007 or visit the RWJF Health & Society Scholars Program web site at:

The grant to the student is to be used toward dissertation research, such as for a pilot study, data collection expenses, or other research activities related to the student’s work in health and society. The proposal should clearly state a plan of action, how this award will improve current or planned research, and an explanation of how the money will be used. Proposals will be evaluated based on the quality of the proposal, the relevance of the work to expanding knowledge on health and society, and the project’s contribution to expanding research on health and society or population health across campus. Funds must be spent by April 30, 2011, and a final report is due to the RWJF Health & Society Scholars Program by July 1, 2011. In addition, a brief oral presentation will be required at a campus-wide symposium in the late Spring of 2011.

Award: $5,000 to the student, plus $1,000 to a faculty advisor *
(We anticipate approximately 8 awards.)

Due: February 25, 2010 (Notification: March 5, 2010)

* The funds to the faculty advisor go into a research account. These funds need not be spent on the doctoral student project. They are provided as incentive to participate in the dissertation research of students doing work on health and society.

Application Process: The proposal should include an abstract section (250 words max), project description, budget and budget rationale, and references. Please email the proposal (5 pages max, double-spaced, Arial 11 pt font or equivalent), a CV, and a brief letter from your advisor to Jane Lambert at

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Whenever i see the post like your's i feel that there are still helpful people who share information for the help of others, it must be helpful for other's. thanx and good job.

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