Friday, March 16, 2012

Proposal Writing Seminar - Foundation Center - March 29 - Pyle Center

Join over 38,000 grantseekers who have strengthened their skills with our most popular course. You'll gain insight on how to prepeare a compelling proposal and convince funders to become part of your success.


  • Write a succinct cover letter and executive summary to the grantmaker
  • Support and humanize your state of need with relevant data
  • Organize detailed and comprehensive project descriptions
  • Present a concise organizational overview and necessary appendices
  • Application for six CFRE International points
  • Free copy of The Foundation Center's Guide to Proposal Writing, 5th edition (a $39/95 value)
Pyle Center, University of Wisconsin-Extenstion
702 Langdon Street, WI 53706

Course Times
Check-in and coffee: 8:30am
Course 9am-4pm

Registration Fee $195 per person
Save up to 20% on multiple registrations
Register now or call 800-424-9836

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