Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stories - How Nonprofits Shape Madison

Madison WI - Absolutely Art (2322 Atwood Ave.) & Café Zoma are proudto feature “Stories— How Nonprofits Shape Madison” during  the month of August. Please join us for a photographic celebration of Madison’s Nonprofit Organizations, live local music, and catering by Bunky’s Café the night of the reception.

Friday, August 5, 2011
5-9 pm

Both group representation and individual artistic expression, “Stories” is comprised of eight photographers’ work that provides an inspiring showcase of the nonprofit groups in Madison in honor of Madison Nonprofit Day, August 11th. From animals to shelters, /Clint Thayer, Tony Vang, Monique Karlen, Bryan Gladding, Amber Arnold, Brooke Lewis, Caroline Hoffman, and Mary Kay Baum/ have turned their lenses on a variety of local nonprofit organizations.  To learn more about the photographers visit: .

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and these photographers have joined together to tell the story of how nonprofits shape Madison. They capture the many moments of nonprofits providing joy, easing pain, supporting families, and enhancing the experience of living in Madison.

There are more than 20 participating nonprofits, some of which include:  Dream Bikes, Briarpatch, East Madison Community Center, Dane County  Timebank, Porchlight, Middleton Outreach Ministry, Heartland Farm  Sanctuary, Henry Vilas Zoo, and WORT-FM.*//*

The exhibit will run from August 3-31. Please visit Facebook for updates on this show and other events at Absolutely Art. To learn more about Madison Nonprofit Day visit:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Student AFP Chapter Calling for Proposals from Dane County Nonprofits

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) at UW-Madison is a collegiate chapter of the international AFP organization. The chapter's mission is to work with local non-profit organizations to help them maximize their effectiveness and to expose current students to meaningful work. 

The collegiate chapter of AFP is interested in Dane County WI based projects in which its student members can assist with and learn about a variety of
topics related to non-profits. Projects related to the development of fundraising events and/or awareness campaigns or events are strongly preferred. Event planning allows the members the greatest exposure to the diversity of work involved in fundraising, from marketing and outreach to donor and sponsorship requests. Projects serve not only as a way for the chapter to assist an organization in the community, but also as a learning experience for students. Students in the chapter are not fundraising professionals, but students interested in the non-profit world with varying levels of skills and expertise. 

Currently, students are looking for opportunities to assist in a project beginning during the Fall 2011 semester and continuing through the Spring semester.  Projects will ideally end between March and April, but please keep in mind that UW Madison students have spring break March 31st- April 8th. If you have interest in having students work on fundraising opportunities on behalf of your organization, please review
guidelines, complete the form, and email it to by August 19, 2011.

Project guidelines:

1. Application deadline is Friday, August 19, 2011.

2. Applicants will be notified by Friday, September 9, 2011 for apotential interview.

3. Applications will be judged based on three criteria: learning opportunities for students, clarity of proposal (including description of tasks in project application), and feasibility.

4. Applicants must be willing to hold regular meetings with the student chapter. These meetings can occur either on or off campus, depending on the
needs of the organization.

5. If selected, applicants must be able to present an overview of their organization and project outline at our October chapter meeting (exact date TBD in consultation with selected organization).

A  Frequently Asked Questions document is attached as part of the application. If you have any additional questions, email the AFP Student Chapter at:


Friday, July 1, 2011

New Grant: Women, Saving, and Investment

The Social Security Administration awarded a joint grant to the Department of Employee Trust Funds and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Financial Security. The grant is funding a study of working women's patterns of saving and investment choices, specifically evaluating how best to encourage women to increase their retirement savings.
The project includes data analyses, a literature review, focus group sessions and a survey. Initial results will be available in October 2011.