Tuesday, February 22, 2011

UW-Madison/UW-Milwaukee Intercampus Research Incentive Grnats

University of Wisconsin-Madison Chancellor Carolyn “Biddy” Martin and UW-Milwaukee Interim Chancellor Michael R. Lovell are pleased to announce the 2011-2012 UW-Madison/UW-Milwaukee Intercampus Research Incentive Grants Program, an initiative to support research projects and promote partnerships undertaken jointly at the two campuses.

The application deadline for this program is April 4, 2011. Further details are posted on the web at http://www.provost.wisc.edu/content/memos/docs/IntercampusGrants11_12Announce.pdf (pdf). 

2011–12 UW–Madison/UW–Milwaukee Intercampus Grants Program Call for Proposals 

(Deadline: 4 April, 2011): Intercampus Grants Cover Sheet:
Source:  Press Release dated 2/14/2011 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New NSF Proposal Policy Guide (Including Data Management Plan Info) Available Online

Starting in January, all grant applications to the National Science Foundation must include a
two-page-maximum “data management plan” (DMP) for the retention and sharing of digital
and physical data generated from the research process.

For the most up to date requirements for National Science Foundation funding, see the NSF's new Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide, January 2011 as well as their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Proposal Preparation and Award Administration, November 2010.
Plus, UW-Madison now has a Research Data Services Web site, which can help you with writing a data plan, as well as with managing and sharing your data!  For more information, contact digitalcuration@lists.wisc.edu. 

Perhaps you've not yet identifying which grant(s) to which you plan to apply?  Try Finding NSF Funding (Search or Browse functions available).